Opera 11.60 přinesla spoustu novinek a „novinek“. Kromě nové verze renderovacího jádra a posledních dodělků plnokrevného HTML5 parseru, byla nově implementována podpora ECMA Scriptu 5.1, XMLHttpRequest Level 2 s typovanými poli, podpora radiálních gradientů v CSS3 a pár CSS4 vlastností, které mají co do činění s multimédii. Jak se ale u každého většího projektu dá předpokládat, spousta nových featur přinese i spoustu nových bugů. A tak je tu 11.61, která některé (a doufejme, že většinu) opravuje. Stahovat můžete z obvyklého umístění. Seznam změn si můžete přečíst níže, případně do něj nahlédnout přímo na webu Opery.
Seznam změn
User interface
- New web handlers tab in the Site Preferences dialog cut off, dialog not wide enough
- Crash when clicking "Use master password to protect saved passwords" checkbox
- Occasional crash when clicking a link or opening a new tab
- Opera crashes when closing a tab that has the Star Menu opened
- Can't close Star Menu after opening Folders
- Opera crashes while closing feeds tab while dialog is open
- Opera loses advanced download settings after restart
- Opera Turbo Tooltip repeated multiple times
- Wrong new reload icon
- Zoom factor lost after selecting another message
- Bookmark star icon is not refreshed when the page is removed from the bookmarks
- Drop support for Fallback Background = 0 and Fallback Foreground = 0 in skins, fixes layout in mail window with some 3rd party skins
- Ampersands on main menu in WinXP with Zune Theme
- Titlebar remains when entering fullscreen mode (XP)
Display and scripting
- thepokerbay.org user profile crashes onload
- Crash in Carakan on WebGL benchmark
- Crash on applying 3025 background images
- Out of range memory access when using subpixel rendering
- Secure IFrame with URL to image lowers security level to "Unsecure" (breaks Paypal checkout)
- Opera freezes when loading a big session with the Tab vault extension
- NFL.com crashes with admuncher installed
- Overwritten document.selectSingleNode not called if invoked by helper function
- load events fire on LINK elements pointing to existing local resources (link rel="stylesheet" href="file://...")
- Do not cache invalid UserJS source files ("blacklisting" user javascript files on parse error)
- Cannot scroll down with mouse wheel over IFRAME with scrolling=no if smooth scrolling is enabled
- stylesheet not applied due to malformed gzip content
- Userjs confirmation on secure pages pops up on every load of the page
- Incorrect value of elements in ArrayBufferView created with byteOffset to an ArrayBuffer
- Captcha Images is not refreshing automatically after site refresh
Mail, news, chat
- Opera crashes on updating mail from version 9.27
- Crashes if you unpin the last message in the "Pinned" view
- After few seconds locked attachments disappear from a mail
- Check/Send (Ctrl+K) does not activate all mail accounts
- Sorting problem with ungrouped mail list
- Mail unread count is wrong
- Users not receiving new mails because of QRESYNC. Added a way to disable QRESYNC in incomingN.txt and automatically disable it if fails to sync with QRESYNC enabled
- Crash in host resolver when closing browser after loading large number of tabs simultaneously
- IPv6 IP literal URLs "Invalid"
- Fixed an issue where manipulation of framed content can allow cross-site scripting, as reported by Michal Zalewski
- Fixed an issue here script events could be used to reveal the presence of local files
RSS zdroj: http://my.opera.com/desktopteam/blog/show.dml/40310582